About IUFA

The International Urban Fellows' Association (IUFA) reunites all fellows that have participated since 1969 in the International Fellows in Urban Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

The program is the longest-running international fellows program in the United States with a focus on urban problems and policy. The program brings six to eight individuals each year who are involved in studying or addressing urban issues outside the United States to IPS for a semester or full academic year of advanced study.
Those individuals selected as Fellows are scholars or practitioners who have previously demonstrated a high degree of experience and professional competence in urban studies research.

The focus of the Urban Fellows Program is the growth, decline, and revitalization of cities, and the welfare of urban residents, with Baltimore as a reference point.

All prospective Fellows and many alumni from the program's 40-year history gather annually at an international conference on urban policy. The conference is hosted by a former fellow and focused on a current challenge faced by the host city. This is the central activity of IUFA (International Urban Fellows Association).

IUFA is led by an elected board and two co-presidents - the Director of IPS and a former fellow elected by IUFA members.

Here a link to Johns Hopkins Urban Fellowship Program:
Johns Hopkins Urban Fellowship Program

Here is a link to past IUFA conferences:
Past IUFA conferences